
Episode: 413
Season: 4
Chris is impressed by his father’s new invention. Chris covets the device and wants to use its power to impress his friends and earn lots of money. Superbook whisks the kids away to Samaria. There they watch Philip, Peter and John teach a magician and his followers about the true power of the Holy Spirit. Later, they find Philip in the desert and witness the baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch. Upon returning home, Chris is a changed person. He has been awed by the power of the Holy Spirit and begins his path towards baptism. Acts 8:34
Watch The Full EpisodeLesson:
Strive to seek God rather than earthly power.
Character Profiles
Adventure Guide
Disciples Pray
Disciples Pray
Peter Confronts Simon the Sorcerer
Philip Baptizes
Simon the Sorcerer Meets Philip
Philip - The Salvation Poem
Q & A
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